First of all, this exam has been one of the hardest I have taken, but that does not mean it is impossible.Preparing for it took me 3 months, for 4 hours each day doing exams, research, hands-on learning, and projects.It has taught me how to design and architecture of robust, secure, and scalable infrastructure.You can find my notes with helpful tips at the end of this post. I hope you find them useful!
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How I passed the AWS Solutions Architect…
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First of all, this exam has been one of the hardest I have taken, but that does not mean it is impossible.Preparing for it took me 3 months, for 4 hours each day doing exams, research, hands-on learning, and projects.It has taught me how to design and architecture of robust, secure, and scalable infrastructure.You can find my notes with helpful tips at the end of this post. I hope you find them useful!